Upgrading your electrical panel is an important step in ensuring the safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system. However, it’s not always obvious when it’s time to take this step. In this blog, we’ll discuss some signs that it’s time to upgrade your electrical panel.

  1. Age of the Panel: If your electrical panel is more than 40 years old, it’s time to consider upgrading it. Over time, the components in your panel can wear out, making it less efficient and potentially dangerous. A newer panel will be able to handle the demands of modern appliances and devices and keep your home’s electrical system running smoothly.
  2. Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips: If your circuit breaker is constantly tripping, it’s a sign that your electrical panel is not able to handle the electrical load in your home. Upgrading your panel will allow you to add more circuits and improve the performance of your electrical system.
  3. Electrical Surges: Electrical surges can cause damage to your electronics and appliances, and an old electrical panel may not be able to protect your home from these surges. Upgrading to a newer panel with surge protection will help keep your home and belongings safe.
  4. Dimming Lights: If you notice that your lights are dimming when you turn on an appliance or device, it’s a sign that your electrical panel is not able to handle the demand. Upgrading your panel will allow you to add more circuits and improve the performance of your electrical system.
  5. Rust and Corrosion: Rust and corrosion on your electrical panel can be a sign that it is wearing out and needs to be replaced. This can also be a sign of a potential fire hazard, so it’s important to have it inspected by one of our experienced and licensed electricians.
  6. Electrical Shocks: If you feel a shock when you touch a light switch or appliance, it’s a sign that there is a problem with your electrical panel. This could be a sign of a potential fire hazard, so it’s important to have it inspected by one of our licensed electricians.

Upgrading your electrical panel is an important step in ensuring the safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call your friends at Funk Electrical to have your panel inspected by a licensed electrician. We can assess your electrical needs and help you choose the right panel for your home.

Don’t wait until it’s too late; upgrade your electrical panel today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home and family are safe.