
Saving Energy this Year- What to Know!

It’s finally starting to warm up outside which means Summer is right around the corner! Here are some useful tips for keeping your energy bills down this Spring and Summer! It’s all much more simple than you’d think! 1 - Upgrade Your Air Conditioner! If you’ve had...

New Service Manager

New Service Manager

We're happy to welcome our New Service Manager, Jamie, to the team! With years of customer service in his belt, Jamie is ready to help you schedule your appointment with Funk Electrical Services.  

Sheetz Gift Card Giveaway!

Sheetz Gift Card Giveaway!

We're back at it again! We're giving away a $15 gift card to one of our favorite spots in town, Sheetz! Get snack wrap, some wings, a muffin, or whatever your hungry self desires! You can do all of the entry options, or just one! The more you do, the more chances...

5 Ways to Save Energy at Your Business

5 Ways to Save Energy at Your Business

Energy costs have been going up over the past several years, and it’s plain to see that it can have a long-term effect on income. Using the tips below, your business will surely be on its way to saving money and saving energy! 5 Ways to Save Energy at Your Business...

Exciting Announcement!

Exciting Announcement!

We are so excited to announce that we're now banner sponsors of the Washington County Tractor Pullers Association. Tractor Pulls are a big hit at our local Ag center. With great local pullers like our friends at Moore Motorsports, the events are a fun way to spend...

Holiday Electrical Safety Tips

Holiday Electrical Safety Tips

With all the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday season, it can be easy to forget that decorations, lights, trees and even wrapped gifts can become hazardous. However, these hazards can be easily prevented. With the following tips, you’ll be sure to have a safe...