Project in Falling Waters, WV
New retail strip stores in Falling Waters, WV!
Check It Out: Recent Projects
Underground conduits at the new Sheetz store on Edwin Miller Blvd. in Martinsburg, West Virginia. New machine shop with power drops for new equipment to be delivered soon at Electromet in Hagerstown, MD. Check out this new 400 amp service in the machine shop at...
7 Things to Check Before Calling a Service Tech
Not sure when to call a service tech? This list will help you out! 7 Things to Check Before Calling a Service Tech If only one circuit is out in the house, check breakers and GFI receptacles first to see if they are tripped. If the whole house is without power, check...
It’s a SHEETZ Summer: Romney, WV
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get the (beloved) Sheetz stores up and running? Here's a Behind the Scenes look of all things electrical!
It’s a SHEETZ Summer: Stephens City
Lots of new Sheetz stores popping up throughout the Tri-State area! Check out one of our most recent projects for the new Sheetz store in Stephens City, VA! Our first project is at the new Sheetz in Stephens City, VA. This store will be opening soon! ...
Project at Fahrney Keedy
Pictures from our recent project at Fahrney Keedy in Boonsboro, Maryland. We recently worked on Fahrney Keedy's Chapel Unit! And look, we even caught a picture our tech, Justin Hoover, hard at work!